Time Off Requests
What are the policies for Time Off requests?
Time off requests are initiated by your treating provider. An occupational evaluation will be completed.
Here are our policies regarding time off:
New Patients: We do not authorize time off requests for new patients and are unable to backdate time off requests.
Existing Patients: Active, existing patient for four months or more will be evaluated for time off requests.
You may request time off by following these steps:
1. Email your time off forms to info@renewedjourney.org.
2. Our administrative staff will consult with your provider for approval.
3. If approved, you will be notified, invoiced, and once payment is collected the forms will be completed by your provider.
Important: We often see patients requesting time off days or weeks after being out of work, which can place their job at risk. To avoid this, please initiate your time off request prior to leaving with your treating provider.